Most people know the age old advice about brushing twice a day. Lately, though, it seems more and more people are advocating the routine brushing after each and every meal of the day. Is this really necessary? Can brushing bring too much harm your teeth? Or is simply a case of better safe than sorry that has people reaching for their brush as soon as they laid down their fork and knives?
Why Brushing After Each Meal is a Good Idea
The idea behind brushing after each meal is, in fact, rooted in common sense dental health. As you eat, food becomes trapped between your teeth as well as in order areas of the mouth. When left to sit, these bits of food and organic debris begin to break down. Since so much of our diets tend top be carbohydrate based, this means that those bits of food slowly become turned into sugar by our body’s natural digestive systems, which includes saliva. As the food gets turned into sugar it can lead to tooth decay, gum disease and, of course, general bad breath. This is why many people have begun to brush after every meal. By brushing, flossing and rinsing, this cleans the mouth and doesn’t give the left over food any time to begin to wreak havoc on your teeth and breath.
Brush Brush Brush – But Not Too Much
The problem with this idea of brushing after every meal is that excessive brushing can actually lead to dental problems. Too much brushing can often lead to brushing with too much force since this mid day brushing is often done in a rush. Brushing too hard can damage the tooth enamel and can also run the risk of pushing the gums up, higher than their natural gum line. This combination or enal damage and the shifting of the gum line can make it easier for bacteria to infiltrate under the gums and begin to attack the teeth. So, in the end, something you thought was healthy for your oral health can actually begin to have an adverse effect.
A Happy Medium
When it comes to keeping your teeth clean throughout the day there are several options. First, always begin with a foundation or proper oral care by brushing, flossing and rinsing your mouth thoroughly at the beginning and end of each day. When you’ve eaten a mid day meal you can either brush your teeth gently in order to remove debris or you can also chew a sugarless gum. While chewing gum is certainly no replacement for a good brushing, it does encourage more saliva production which helps to wash away food debris naturally and without harming your teeth or gum line.
Brushing your teeth several times a day can be beneficial to your oral health as long as you approach it with common sense. Never scrub your teeth and don’t use a brush that has bristles which are too stiff. This can result in the harming of both your tooth enamel as well as your gum line. Instead, be gentle with mid day brushings and simply use the brush to gently brush away any debris. This addition to your usual dental routine can help keep your mouth fresh and both your teeth and gum well protected.
by Teeth Center Staff
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