Most patients who sit in the dental hygienist’s chair end up hearing a lecture about the importance of flossing. It’s no secret that many people simply don’t floss their teeth, and dentists know it, too. Dr. Alla Wheeler, a professor at the New York University School of Dentistry says, “There is no instant gratification with flossing — that’s the problem. Patients don’t think it does anything.” But this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Want your teeth to be whiter? Want your smile to look younger? Want to finally get rid of bad breath? The answer is simple: floss your teeth.
A Cleaner Clean
As you pass that simple string of floss between your teeth, it picks up debris that would otherwise remain stuck between your teeth and along your gum line. As it passes it also gently polishes your teeth, making them naturally brighten when you smile. Floss before you brush and this will help your toothpaste and after care rinse to work even more effectively. It also helps your brushing and rinsing to reach more evenly between you teeth, promoting overall better oral health.
The Floss of Youth
Some say the secret to a truly young smile is to floss every day. Since flossing removes debris along the gum line as well, this keeps your gums looking pink and healthy. It also keep your smile aligned as receding gums can often lead to shifting teeth. This gives your smile a more youthful appearance no matter what your age.
Say Something Sweet
While everyone has the occasional bout of bad breath, flossing properly can keep those episodes to a minimum. Food caught between teeth which isn’t able to be cleared away by brushing alone begins to break down between the teeth. As it breaks down and becomes broken down by saliva it gives off a pungent smell. This is the source of most cases of bad breath. Simply by flossing you’re keeping the area between you teeth clean and so no debris can accumulate in the first place.
Flossing may not offer the same sense of instant gratification that brushing does, but it’s still a vital part of any good dental health routine. Flossing can not only work to prevent long term problems such as gum disease and tooth decay but it can also brighten your smile naturally and help you to give the best impression possible.
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